NEW! Skype bug
- http://: - if you send this code in message, your friend's skype will crash
Hidden Emoticons - type these secret codes (word in brackets) directly in the chat message window
Deleted Emoticons - removed from the the latest windows version but still may works on earlier releases or on other platforms
Standard Emoticons
Country Flags
- Cat
- press and hold three keys on keboard (A, S and J). Kitty will show up, so your Skype friend will know that your kitty is standing on keyboard
- Hands
- press simultaneously some six keys (A, S, D, J, K and L)
- /me [text]
- /topic [text]
- /add [skypename+]
- /alertson [text]
- /alertsoff
- /leave
- /setrole [skypename] MASTER|USER
- /kick [skypename]
- /get blob
- /get uri
- /get options
- /set options [[+|-]flag] ..
- /golive [token]
- /invite [skypename]
- /showmembers
- /wikimarkup
- /help
Download Skype offline installer
- Download the latest version of Skype for Windows here (full offline installer - size 38.6 MB)